

So crazy story: Matt and I watched Forks Over Knives.
It was recommended by friends and family, and well, we finally decided to watch it.
The result?
Well, we are now practically vegan.

The movie is based off the most comprehensive nutrition study ever conducted, The China Study.
It promotes a plant-based diet, and explores the long-term effects of consuming meat and dairy.
Basically: we were converted.

I mean, we are lactose intolerant.
So dairy is already out of the question.
But meat?
Well, I never really liked the stuff.

Matt on the other hand...
He was the carnivorest carnivore of them all!
But now?
Now he is scared to even LOOK at chicken.

We plan to still eat meat once in awhile.
But very sparingly.
Instead of meat (and dairy), we have been conjuring up some SPLENDID vegan recipes.

Check out the recipes I have posted!
And watch Forks Over Knives on Netflix.
Whether you decide to cut out meat and dairy-- your call.
But in the least, educate yourself (with this and other studies) to understand dietary decisions.

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