
bring it: one week of RAW.

Alright, so call me crazy, but I decided to eat raw.
For one week.
What the heck, right?!

I've blogged raw food before-
And bragged on my raw foodie sister-
But never have I attempted a completely raw diet.

I started Monday. And it will last through Sunday.
Well, first let me give a brief intro to the raw lifestyle.

What is "raw," anyway?
In general, raw food indicates itself as unprocessed and uncooked.
The whole idea is intended to keep food living-
So that all enzymes are active and no nutrients die via cooking or processing.
Therefore, to be considered "raw," food cannot be heated >40-49 degrees celsius.
Or 104-120 degrees fahrenheit.
There are debates within that range,
But basically: the lower the heat, the lower risk of killing active enzymes and nutrients.

Most people think "raw" or "living" food encompasses only carrot sticks and apples.
Think again.
My diet this week includes raw carrot cake truffles, raw granola, and raw cookie dough bites!
Among other things, of course.
So what can you eat?
Well, when someone says "raw," you might as well think "plant."
It includes fruits & veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, and more.
Of course this excludes dairy, eggs, meat-
unless we're talking coconut meat, of course!

So here's the deal:
You can make raw tacos taste 10x better than those fresh tacos you had down in Mexico-
Or feast on delicate raspberry cheesecake made from cashews, agave nectar, and raspberries!
It's an easy feat.
And you won't crave a thing.

Would I recommend raw food as a lifestyle?
Well, that's a whole new matter.
Vegans and raw foodies alike lack one specific necessary vitamin-
And that's vitamin b12, only available from animal products.
What does b12 do for us? And why is it so important?
Don't worry-
I'll fill ya in with a whole new post on the topic.

Just know that vitamins and minerals are our key to living a long, happy, and healthy life-
Especially if we get them in healthy amounts and from the purest source (food.)
So share this week with me by checking into-and trying-the recipes I post!

♥ Bethany


  1. Did you do it? What was the result?! I think we need a whole post on how the week went with only raw foods. How did you feel? Did you notice your bowels working better? Did you feel lighter? Do tell!

    1. Good idea! Sorry it has taken me so long- but I will post all about it now!!
